Testing and QA

Software testing
is like hunting.
Your trophies are bugs.


Testing & QA

Our software testing services are driven by product quality and user experience satisfaction. We strive to deliver software faster, with an experienced team of testers and processes. 

By assigning development and testing to Copia you receive an objective evaluation of your product. This apart, the time of defect detection decreases, accelerating the go-to-market process.
Our Agile Testing services use cutting-edge tools like Jenkins, Selenium, Appium and the like, to minimise maintenance work and costs
These services help businesses deliver core features quicker, as well as improve mobile UX.
This testing is executed from an end-user point of view. It greatly enhances usability and minimises bugs.
To protect your system data, we identify and resolve security functions and other vulnerabilities.
Using advanced CI and CD delivery tools, our services attempt to optimise your infrastructure and deployment within minutes.
When performance, responsiveness and scalability testing is executed, you app achieves optimum stability.

Benefits of Testing with Copia

  • Dedicated experts using comprehensive QA services
  • End-to-end services, unearths complex bugs
  • KPIs that deliver full transparency
  • Proven tests, automated to accelerate testing
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